Conscious Release™ Method

Conscious Release™ is the result of years of experience and research into the fields of body mechanics, philosophy, physics, movement theories and metaphysical approach to dance.

The application of this technique optimizes the body perception by building awareness towards the current state and abilities of the dancer. The body becomes a borderless tool for the imagination and its dance patterns.

By using the contemplation of inner space and through the release of tension, an effective means to stop habitual patterns and formal movements in the dance arises. Full creativity can then be experienced and form appears only to serve a unique expression: the present moment.

Conscious Release™ method had receive a research grant from Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles Service de la Danse (2018) and from Centre Chorégraphique Charleroi Danse (2020).

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Next workshops

27 February - 3 March - Intensive Week - Bologna, Italy
6 & 7 May - Weekend Conscious Release - Brussels, Belgium
22 > 26 May - Labo Tarot & Dance - Brussels, Belgium
19th - 23th June - Touch & Partnering - Brussels, Belgium
10th to 15th July - Intensive Week - Ljubljana, Slovenia
17th & 18th July - 2 Days Full Day - Florence, Italy
6 > 10 September - Intensive 5 days - Bologna, Italy
26 > 29 september - 4 Days Full Day (Retreat) - Ibiza, Spain
4>14 December - CR 2 weeks - RCA Antwerp
01 > 05 May - Riga ON / CR 5 Days - Riga, Latvia
27 > 31 may - Landscapes of Composition - Retreat - Italy
3>9 Juin 2024 - 7 days Tarot & Dance - Brussels, Belgium
13 July 2024 - The Festival of Consciousness - Barcelona, Spain
26>29 August 2024 - CR 5 Days Intensive - Lubjana, Slovenia
2>6 October 2024 - CR + Voice - Bergamo - Italy
21>25 Octobre 2024 - Intense Week - Avignon, France
25>30 November 2024 - CR 5 Days Intensive - CCN Grenoble - France

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